Nepali jyotish sastra
Nepali jyotish sastra

The best part was I didn't have to ask any of these questions, he told me before I even asked them. How I behave, the way I reacted to thing, the way I saw relationships, my career, family issues, financial problems and education related problems, he had all the answers to my questions. I could relate to lot of changes that I was going though in my life at that point of time. The first day I met him, I was nervous as he was hitting on all the points that I had in my mind. I got the life that I always wanted and was able to solve almost all of my problems. However, after I Meet Guru Ba my whole life changed.

nepali jyotish sastra

I was financially and mentally deteriorating everyday. Before I meet Guru Ba I had so many unsolved issues in my life and I was trying my best to progress in life but was stuck. He is the most knowledgeable person for Astronomy. Remant Pratap Shahĭr, Kailsh Parsad Shah Guru Ba is an amazing astrologist and the best Vastu specialist I have ever known. AD I wish dad good health abd pray to GOD best on him with more deep knowledge and perfection in this field of prediction are solution.ONCE AGAIN THANX A LOT DAD that u are my BEST DAD in WORLD. SO,Thank u so much dad for helping me to remove darkness from my life. Ever since I remember he has been there for me not only in my problematic situations but almost all the time my dad has been there for me with has guidance for the best things.

nepali jyotish sastra

He not only holds the ability to explain the astrological aspects of life but also has convincing personality with logical explanations he does. Honestly, my dad has proved himself to be a great personality to find out the problems of my life., and shows remedies at the same time., There is a feeling of positivism in his company. I feel so lucky to get him as a both slower of my life I got the life that I always wanted and was able to solve almost all of my problems.

nepali jyotish sastra

Is an amazing guru.He has solved my many personal issues that I could'nt solve.He is my dad.

Nepali jyotish sastra